DOCTORS Class (Dogs Offering Cognitive Thinking and Other Reasoning Skills)

Earn your dog's D.O.C. (Doctor of Cognition) certificate!

Do you have a brainiac of a pooch?  Does your canine contemplate?  Does your dog dash through learning and training exercises?

Welcome to the world of Canine Cognition!

This class uses an array of exercises, puzzles, games and interesting challenges to help your dog think, process, advance, learn and flex the brain muscles.  You'll also earn specialized titles for your dog!

This is a great class for creating a well-rounded companion that has the brains to match the beauty!

Think. Grow. Enrich. Expand.

After registering for a class, you will be prompted for payment. To submit tuition via Cash, Check, Venmo or Zelle, select "pay by mail" at checkout then click HERE to utilize these options.
Online secure credit card processing also available.
You are not purchasing four class hours where you pick and choose when you attend.
The date shown is the START date for a 4-week consecutive class. You will meet once each week on the same day and at the same time.
Class Details:
Cost: $132.00
Length: 4 sessions of 1 hour sessions
Size: up to 8

Upcoming Classes:

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